Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Central Government Employees Rules Regarding Probation ACR

Central Government Employees Rules Regarding Probation ACR

Important points -


Establishment & Administration -
A probationer should be given an opportunity to work under more than one officer during the period of his probation and reports of his work obtained from each one of those officers.
The reports for the whole period may then be considered by a board of senior officials for determining whether the probationer concerned is fit to be confirmed in service.
While the normal probation may certainly be extended in suitable cases, it is not desirable that an employee should be kept on probation for years as happened occasionally at present.
It is therefore suggested that save for exceptional reasons, probation should not be extended for more than a year and no employee should be kept on probation for more than double the normal period.
The decision whether an employee should be confirmed or his probation extended should be taken soon after the expiry of the initial probation period, that is normally within six to eight weeks.
And communication to the employee together together with the reasons in case of extension.
A probationer who is not making satisfactory progress or who shows himself to be inadequate for the service in any way should be informed of his shortcomings well before the expiry of the original probation period so that he can make special efforts at self-improvement.
G.I. M.H.A, O.M No. 44/I/59-Ests (A) dated 15th April, 1959

Any decision for extension of a probation period shall be taken ordinarily within eight weeks after the expiry of previous probationary period and communicated in writing to the concerned officer together with the reasons for so doing within the said period.
[G.I., D.P&A.R.,O.M.No. AB-14017/5/83-Ests.(RR) dated 7th May 1984]

Seniority to be determined by the order of merit indicated at the time of initial appointment.
Seniority of Direct Recruits and Promotees -
The relative seniority of all direct recruits is determined by the order of merit in which they are selected for such appointments on the recommendations of the UPSC  or other selecting authority, persons appointed an earlier selection being senior to those appointed as a result of subsequent selection.

In a case where a decision on the representation of an officer against adverse remarks has not been taken or the time allowed for submission of representation is not over, the DPC may in their discretion defer the consideration of case until a decision on representation .

Concerned authority should intimate the result of representation of the officer against the adverse remarks within a period of three months from the date of submission of the said representation, if any.
Confidential Report

There may be occasions when a superior officer may find it necessary to criticize adversely the work of an officer working under him or he may call for an explanation for some act of omission or commission and taking all circumstances into consideration, it may be felt that while the matter is not serious enough to justify the imposition of the formal punishment of censure, it calls for some formal action such as the communication of a written warning/displeasure/reprimand is issued.
Where such a warning /displeasure/reprimand is issued, it should be placed in the personal file of the officer concerned.

At the end of year, If officer improved with satisfactory performance then reporting authority may not to make a reference.
The adverse remark should also be conveyed to the officer and his representation, if any, against the same disposed off, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the instructions issued in this regard.
[G.I.,D.P &A.R.,O.M No. 21011/1/81-Estt(A), dated the 5th June 1981]

CR file should not contain any extraneous paper other than punishment and appellate orders and letters communicating the adverse remarks.
[Paras 174(4),(8),(10,(11) and 6 of P.T. Manual, Volume-III]

The forms have been devised with a view to ensuring maximum objectivity in the preparation of the confidential report. In filling up the forms , tick marks and dashes should not be used.
The reporting and reviewing authorities  should apply their mind carefully to the various alternatives suggested under the different headings and indicate their opinion, in writing out in full the appropriate alternative which according to them should best describe the officers qualities.
[G.I.,D.P &A.R,O.M No. 51/3/74-Estt(A), dated 23rdJuly, 1975]
The memo of services should invariably consulted at the time of writing the annual report through the report itself should  necessarily be based on the employee's performance during the year as a whole.
Representation against "warning" or "communication of the displeasure of the Government or "reprimand" which are recorded in the confidential report of the Government servant should be dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down for dealing with representations  against adeverse entries in confidential report
, unless an opportunity had already been given to the officer concerned to make a representation in the matter relating to the relevant incident or faults and such representation had been duly considered and a decision taken before the "warning" or "reprimand" was administered or the displeasure of the Government communicated to him.
Manner of disposal of representations -
The following procedure should be adopted in dealing with representations from the employees against the adverse remarks communicated to them -
- Representations against adverse remarks should be examined by competent authority in consultation, if necessary, with the reporting officer and counter signing authority, if any.
- In the rare event of the competent authority coming to the conclusion that the adverse remarks was inspired by malice or was entirely incorrect or unfounded, and therefore deserves expunction, it should order accrdingly. Before however , taking such an action, it should bring it to the notice of the Head of the Circle or another Administrative Office, if it does not occupy that position and obtain his concurrence.
[Rule 174(13) and (14) of P. &T. Manual, Volume-III, D.G.,P.&T.Letter No. 27/4/78-Disc-I dated the 19th April 1978 and D.P.&A.R.,O.M. No. 51/5/72-Ests(A) dated 20th May 1972,Para 9.5]

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